Q Idioms and Quiz

Q Idiom Quiz

letter q

Quiz 1 - Choose the correct idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Check your score at the bottom. Click on the idiom for the definition.

1. The man was (very strange) and everybody tried to avoid him.
a)   quite a number
b)   as queer as a three-dollar bill
c)   quick on the trigger
d)   quick and dirty

2. I was (very afraid) when the angry dog started to approach me.
a)   quite a bit
b)   quick on the uptake
c)   quaking in my boots
d)   quick as a flash

3. The man is (able to easily respond to most questions).
a)   quiet as a mouse
b)   quick as greased lightning
c)   quick as a wink
d)   quick on the draw

Your score is: ___  out of 3

Q Idioms

abstract painting

quake in one's boots

- to be afraid, to shake from fear

I was quaking in my boots when my boss told me to come to his office.

queer as a three-dollar bill

- to be very strange

The woman is the strangest person that I have ever met. She is as queer as a three-dollar bill.

quick and dirty

- fast and cheap, fast and careless

The method that the company chose to cut expenses was quick and dirty.

quick as a flash

- very quickly

I left the house as quick as a flash and went to work.

quick as a wink

- very quickly, instantly

The woman turned around and quick as a wink her purse was stolen.

I will finish my project as quick as a wink.

Our team made a mistake and quick as a wink the other team scored.

quick as geased lightning

- very quickly, very fast

The cat climbed up the tree as quick as greased lightning.

quick on the draw

- to be able to respond to something quickly, to be quick to draw a gun and shoot

The man is quick on the draw and can answer most questions very quickly.

quick on the trigger

- to be quick to respond to something, to be quick to draw a gun and shoot

The man was too quick on the trigger and should have thought more carefully about what he was going to do.

quick on the uptake

- to quickly understand something

The student is quick on the uptake and understands problems quickly.

The new employee is quick on the uptake and learns very quickly.

The woman is quick on the uptake and always knows what is happening around her.

quiet as a mouse

- very quiet, shy and silent

The little boy was quiet as a mouse as he moved around the kitchen.

quite a bit

- much

I had quite a bit of time so I went to the library.

quite a few

- many

The boy has quite a few books at home.

quite a lot

- much or many

Quite a lot of water entered the house.

There are quite a lot of students in the meeting hall.

quite a number

- not too many but also not too few of something

Quite a number of the teachers agreed to use the new textbooks.

Quite a number of people came to the meeting.

quite a (something)

- definitely something

The girl is quite a pianist and everybody loves her.

quote a price

- to state in advance the charge for doing or supplying something

I asked the moving company to quote a price to move our furniture.