Responsibility Idioms and a Broken Printer
Have you ever had to deal with a broken printer?
Somebody broke the printer in our office. They need to take responsibility for doing this. However, I plan to hold on for a while before I take it upon myself to do something about this situation. Although, I do not really want to become involved in this problem, I will make it my business to do something. If I do not do anything, then nobody will own up to the problem and nothing will be done about it. I do not want the responsibility to be on my shoulders but what can I do. People will pass the buck and not do anything. I believe that I must do my duty and try to find an answer to this problem quickly.
Reading Questions
Answer the following questions. The answers can easily be found in the reading above.
1. Does somebody need to take responsibility for breaking the printer?
2. Does he think that he should hold on for awhile before doing something?
3. Will he take it upon himself to do something?
4. Does he think that he must make it his business to do something?
5. Does he think that nobody will own up to the problem?
6. Does he not want the responsibility on his shoulders?
7. Will people pass the buck?
8. Will he do his duty and try to solve the problem quickly?
Making Connections and Idiom Meanings
Some of the idioms have another meaning or are connected to another meaning. Use this information to help you choose the correct meaning for each of the underlined idioms:
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Match the Sentences
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Grammar Focus
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Discussion Questions
Answer the following questions using the idioms from this section:
1. Do you know anyone who will never take responsibility when he or she makes a mistake?
2. Do you always take responsibility for mistakes that you have made?
3. Do you ask your friends to hold on when you receive a phone call?
4. Have you ever had to hold on and wait for a friend even though you were in a hurry?
5. Do you usually take it upon yourself to solve difficult problems?
6. Do you know anyone who will take it upon himself or herself to solve a problem?
7. Do you make it your business to help other people when they need help?
8. Do you know someone who always makes it his or her business to help other people?
9. Have you ever had to own up to a mistake that you made?
10. Do you know anyone who will never own up to a mistake?
11. Has solving a difficult problem ever been on your shoulders?
12. Do you have any big responsibility on your shoulders right now?
13. Do you know anyone who always tries to pass the buck?
14. Do you know any business leaders who always pass the buck?
15. Are you always willing to do your duty at work or school?
16. Do you know anyone who will not do his or her duty at work?
Role Play
Student A: Somebody broke the copy machine in your office.
You know who broke it and you want that person to take responsibility for breaking it.
Student B: You broke the copy machine but you do not want to admit your mistake. You do not want to tell a lie but you do not want the responsibility to be on your shoulders.