Clothes and Fashion Idioms
1. What is your favorite store to buy clothes?
I never have much money and I usually must do everything on a shoestring. However, this summer I have some extra money which is burning a hole in my pocket. I want to buy some new clothes. As a matter of fact, I need to buy some new clothes very soon. Many of my clothes are old and are falling apart at the seams. None of them are in fashion. Maybe someday they will come back into fashion but I cannot wait that long. I especially need a suit for my friend's wedding. I want to buy something that is made to measure. I want it to fit like a glove. I will spend this weekend looking for something nice.
Reading Questions
Answer the following questions. The answers can easily be found in the reading above.
1. Does this person usually do things on a shoestring?
2. What is burning a hole in his pocket?
3. What is falling apart at the seams?
4. Are his clothes in fashion now?
5. When may everything come back into fashion?
6. Does he want to buy something that is made to measure?
7. Does he want something that fits like a glove?
Making Connections and Idiom Meanings
Some of the idioms have another meaning or are connected to another meaning. Use this information to help you choose the correct meaning for each of the following idioms:
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Multiple Choice
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Grammar Focus
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Discussion Questions
Answer the following questions using the idioms from this section:
1. Have you ever had to live on a shoestring?
2. Do you know anyone who is now living on a shoestring?
3. Do you ever have extra money that is burning a hole in your pocket?
4. Is money burning a whole in the pocket of anyone you know right now?
5. Do you have any clothes that are falling apart at the seams?
6. Have you seen anyone recently whose clothes are falling apart at the seams?
7. Are most of your clothes in fashion?
8. Are there any clothes in fashion now that you do not like?
9. Do you know any styles that have recently come back into fashion?
10. What style of clothes do you wish would come back into fashion again?
11. Do you ever buy clothes that are made to measure?
12. What clothes do you think are often made to measure?
13. Do you have many clothes that fit like a glove?
14. Have you bought anything recently that fit like a glove?
Role Play
Student A: You are complaining to your friend that none of your clothes are in fashion. As a matter of fact, many of them are falling apart at the seams. However, you have no money to buy new clothes.
Student B: You are advising your friend about what he or she should do.