Olympic Business and Some Sports Idioms
1. Where will the next Summer Olympics be held?
2. Do you know any city or country that bid for the Olympic games but did not win the bid?
The city wanted to host the Olympic games. They made a ballpark estimate of the cost of the games but they did not produce a detailed plan of those costs. Not having a good plan became a problem when the city kicked off their campaign to try and host the games. They soon learned that they were off base regarding what the total cost of the games would be. Right off the bat, they discovered that the cost of the new stadium had increased dramatically. This made applying for the games a whole new ball game. Many people believed that the odds were against the city from winning the bid to host the games and that the costs were much too high. They thought that the city should withdraw the bid. In the end, these people were right and the city gave up their bid to host the Olympic games.
Reading Questions
Answer the following questions. The answers can easily be found in the reading above.
1. What did the city make a ballpark estimate about?
2. What became a problem when they kicked off the campaign to host the games?
3. What were they off base about?
4. What increased dramatically right off the bat?
5. What became a whole new ball game?
6. What did many people believe that the odds were against the city from doing?
7. In the end, who was right?
8. What did the city give up?
Making Connections and Idiom Meanings
Some of the idioms have another meaning or are connected to another meaning. Use this information to help you choose the correct meaning for each of the underlined idioms:
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Multiple Choice
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Grammar Focus
Your score is: ___ out of 8
Discussion Questions
Answer the following questions using the idioms from this section:
1. Do you have a ballpark estimate of how much money you spend each month?
2. Can you give a ballpark estimate of the number of people who go to the average football game?
3. How would you kick off a campaign to raise money for your favorite charity?
4. Do you know any event that is always kicked off with a big ceremony or party?
5. Do you think that the weather forecast is often off base?
6. Do you know any other estimates that are usually off base?
7. What do you do right off the bat when you arrive home each day?
8. What do you usually do right off the bat when you go to a new city?
9. Has anything become a whole new ball game for you recently?
10. What can happen in your favorite sport to make the game a whole new ball game?
11. Do you think that the odds are against you from becoming a professional athlete?
12. Are the odds against anyone who you know from getting a job that he or she wants?
13. Did you change any of your plans last weekend? What did you finally decide to do in the end?
14. Have you recently done something that you did not want to do but in the end you had to do it?
15. Did you ever give up playing a sport that you liked?
16. Do you have a bad habit that you would like to give up?
Role Play
Student A: You are an employee who is asking for more money from your boss but right off the bat your boss says no.
You think that you are worth more money.
Student B: You are the employer. You will not consider a wage increase for your employee.